Reordering Frames

Created: 2022-01-08

Finally got out one of the more critical features: Changing the order of frames in the editor. It's obviously not rocket science to implement that. But I was very conflicted on how to implement it. Should I go down the "drag and drop" route like for example Notion does? This probably would have the best user experience. I could have build a good enough version and be done with it. DnD is only really useful if you get it right. I think it's hard to get right. And I especially think getting it right reflects on the implementation; much more code and edge cases to cover.

Frame ordering in Daily
Frame ordering in Daily

So I went with the above: Two stupid buttons which show when you select a frame. They are not great, but get the job done. The code is really simple, a single component on the frontend and mostly SQL on the backend.

I have a few more items on the list, which I want to have for a v1.0.0. It's really really hard to not add more. - Subheadings: Daily already has heading frames, just needs a button to create new ones. - RSS output. - Draft mode for pages: Currently every page you create is deploy, whether you like it or not. - Update notification: No auto update, just a reminder that a new version is available. - Better links: Links can't have text, you just paste in the complete URL and it's mostly rendered as clickable link in the output.